Friday, June 28, 2019


What is it about Saturdays?  I wake up and I like to sit and drink my coffee while looking out of the window.  Saturdays have a different feel to them.  When people make plans on Saturdays, I usually go but there is a part of me that goes begrudgingly.  In my head I'm like, "Don't you know that Saturdays are sacred to me?  Don't you know that I like to wake up and read and drink coffee?"  People like to plan stuff for 10:00am and I cry.  I know that it will eat up my morning. In my head it takes 5 minutes to get ready.  In reality, it takes 2 hours as I talk myself into getting dressed and doing what I have to do.  Am I the only one who talks to myself as I get ready?

I like days where there is cleaning done but it is happy cleaning done in sunlight and with music.  You clean a little, you sit, you eat.  You clean a little, you sit you eat.  It gets done little by little with just a little stress thrown in for good measure.  I cook weird meals out of the stuff that I find in the fridge and freezer.  I don't know why but they always come out delicious to me.  My kids like anything home made so... It's a win/win.

Then as the sun fades, we like to be outside and walk to go to the park.  Maybe we'll go get a slushie or a drink somewhere.  Maybe we'll eat out and find a new favorite place.  We don't mind being places in the afternoon.  I think it is our Saturday mornings that matter the most.

We will substitute a morning at home for a morning travelling.  We like to hike and visit places.  We will prep stuff the night before and get everything ready.  I don't know if my children are happy or sad when they ask me on Friday night if there is anything that they are doing on Saturday.  It's with a mix of both happiness and sadness that they get a calm and peaceful day home.

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