These days, every now and again, I remember the work that I put into a dissertation that will not be written and it saddens me. I think this is the correct emotion. But then I think about how I am almost done with this journey and I feel relief and joy. The positives outweigh the negatives and I am wondering about the path that God has for me. I should be defeated and depressed but instead there are just good things.
I was driving home the other day and I was listening to a podcast on the Bible that I found on Spotify. I think that it had to do with an overview of the Bible books in 30 minutes and I felt lead to listen to this podcast. On the podcast, the man speaking talked of attempting to get his doctorate and at the time he was leading a church. At some point, he understood that he would have to choose between the doctorate and the leadership position and he chose the church. I felt... akin to this man. I understood this choice well and it resounded with me. I mean, it wasn't exactly a choice. I didn't have enough time to finish.
So... What will my title be now that I'm not going to be Dr. I think out of everything, this is the part that upsets me. I'm just some older lady walking around with three degrees and not one of them is a doctorate. I guess it's not so bad. I'm working on my last two classes and then I get to find out what else I can do. It feels like my future is stretched out before me and I am right where I am supposed to be. Isn't this a blessing? Praise the Lord!