Thursday, May 9, 2019

My Birthday

Today is my 47th birthday.  I want to tell you all that I continue to be blessed beyond all measure.  I am in a good place.  I am hoping for great things and I am trying to do great things.  God has been with me and has shown that He is with me through the good and the bad and for that, I am beyond thankful.

I reflect on my state of being for last year.  It wasn't as peaceful last year.  I really didn't consider birthdays and their importance until I was faced with mine.  I had two dear friends that really really made my birthday really special, Britney and Cari.  Britney brought me a balloon and a card and then took me out for my birthday.  Cari came to my house with her sweet boys and decorated my house and brought gluten free treats.  She allowed my children to celebrate my birthday.  I am thankful to her and as I remember this precious memory, I remember my friend.  Such a blessing to have had such an experience.  I don't want to take anything for granted. 

All day long I have gotten messages and notes in real life and through social media.  I am thankful.  My cup runneth over.  Whatever happens this year, it is God's hands.  I pray that God continues leading me in my life and I pray that I can continue to shine His light.  God is good.  Life is good.  Praise the Lord!!!

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