Thursday, March 26, 2020

Not That Pretty

I don't know what came over me but I decided to post a pic on this app called "PhotoFeeler."  This is where other people rate you on attractiveness, smarts and trustworthiness.  My first picture rated a 3.7/10 in attractiveness.  My second picture rated a 4.1/10.  I'm analyzing the data.  Apparently, I am not as pretty as I thought I was.  This answers a lot of questions for me. 

Let me be clear.  I think that I'm very pretty.  I like my face.  I think that it is very symmetrical. I look good in glasses and hats.  I love that I have full lips and almond shaped eyes.  Maybe I think that I'm as attractive as I was when I was younger.  I don't age in the way that I see myself in my mind's eye.  It helps to get an outside perspective.  I like it, outside perspective puts me in perspective. 

Here is the other thing.  I am not about my looks.  I don't know if I was ever about my looks.  I like make up, because I like an excuse to wear glitter, but make up is a hobby, not a means to lie to people.  I think I translate better in person.  You can't hear my snarky responses over a picture.  You can't see my funny expressions all of the time in a smiling picture.  You can't get a hug over a picture.  Here is the thing.  I am so much better in person. 

The last thing is (and you knew I was going to bring this up) that God doesn't think I'm unattractive. Psalm 139:14 states, "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."   I know fully well that God made me purposefully.  I thought about something else, people have altered their appearance until they no longer look the way that is uniquely them.  I want to look like Elle.  I want to age like Elle.  I want to be Elle.  If I had it all together then I couldn't be this hotter mess bless by grace.  You wouldn't be you either, consider loving yourself, even if you aren't that pretty.

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