I know what you are thinking about. What is going on with me? I wish I could tell you. My life is currently like hiking to Tom's Thumb. I know some of you have no idea what I'm talking about. I will explain. Glenda asked me to hike with her and she picked Tom's Thumb. I didn't flinch when I a saw on All Trails that it was a hard trail. I packed my water pack and brought my hiking sticks. I began to climb the flat up and down that was the first part of the trail. Then, came some pretty steep switchbacks. How did I do it? I rested after each switch. Glenda didn't seem to mind that I needed to take my breath. We got to the first scenic view and then there was an evening out for a bit. There were about five different scenic views. At the each of them I asked Glenda if we were at the thumb. It seemed longer because I had no idea how long it would take me. It was so much longer than I thought it would be. And man, it was not an easy hike. My life was just like that hike. I know that I am going to get there but it's taking me longer than I expected.
You should know that it was glorious up by that thumb. It was beautiful and I want to believe it was worth it. When we got to the top, Glenda and I ate almonds and cracked jokes as we looked out over the city of Scottsdale. I cracked jokes and I knew that I was going to feel it the next day. Going back down was way easier. Isn't that the way with the return trip? I passed landmarks and I understood each scenic view that I passed. When I sat down in the car, I'm going to tell you that my legs were like butter. Glenda bought me dinner. I had to call my son to help me get out of the car. My children laughed as they talked about it today.
I have switchbacks ahead of me and I am resting as I climb. I haven't gotten there yet but I am climbing. It's just longer than I thought it would be. I may be exhausted by the time that I get to the end but I know that I won't stop until I am done. Ask Glenda. She will tell you that I won't stop till I get to the end. May I always be this strong-willed. Praise the Lord!!!
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